A step forward for better wages and conditions for Florida farmworkers this week as foodservice leader Sodexho and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a leading voice for human rights in the US agricultural industry, have joined forces to improve farmworker wages and working conditions in the tomato fields of Florida.
Under the terms of the agreement, which puts in place a strict Florida tomato supplier code of conduct, Sodexo will also pay a 1.5-cent premium for every pound of Florida tomatoes purchased, with the premium going directly to improving wages for tomato harvesters who are part of Sodexo's supply chain.
The agreement takes effect when the fall harvest begins in Florida.
Through this agreement, Sodexo, along with other CIW partner companies, will steer its tomato purchases toward those growers who make a genuine effort to meet the specific code of conduct, and away from those growers who continue to be associated with abusive labor practices.
Read more here from Sustainable Food News.