Historic Thousands On Jones Street coming up Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013
Begin Assembly at 9:30 at Shaw University on South St. in Raleigh, NC
March to the Legislative building begins at 10:30am
For more information contact Rev. Curtis Gatewood, the HKonJ Coordinator at curtis.gatewood@naacpnc.org or call (919)682-4700
Visit the HKonJ website for more information and details on the HKonJ 14-point agenda.
Six years ago, the North Carolina NAACP began building a multi-racial, multi-issue alliance of progressive organizations in North Carolina to form the Historic Thousands on Jones Street People’s Assembly Coalition (HKonJ-PAC). The movement — made up of over 140 partnering organizations — will continue its anti-racist, anti-poverty and anti-war agenda with its annual march on February 9. Included in these partnering organizations are several farmworker advocate organizations and other groups committed to working with the Latino community and immigration reform.
The 7th Annual HKonJ march will take place on Saturday, February 9, 2013. Armed with the historic shout “We the People Shall Not Be Moved: Forward Together Not One Step Back!”, HKonJ aims to unite individuals from all walks of life. The HKonJ assembly will consist of African-Americans, Latinos, Whites, Native Americans, Asians, the young, the not-so-young, and all others who wish to unite and collaborate with a beautifully diverse coalition of caring individuals. All are welcome to participate.
Citizens will march in support of voting rights, equitable education, collective bargaining, affordable housing, health care, environmental justice, and the protection of the rights of immigrants. The movement is centered around a 14-point People’s Agenda, including “Protecting the Rights of Immigrants from Latin America and other Nations” and “Livable Wages and Support for Low Income People.” The Farmworker Advocacy Network supports these positions as farmworkers deserve better housing & workplace standards, and all people who immigrate to our state deserve health care, education, workers rights and protection from discrimination. We invite you to come out and walk with us with the mission to reduce poverty and turn back the tide of economic injustices!