Meeting the Requirements for Occupational Safety and Sanitation for Migrant Farmworkers in North Carolina
Monday, October 25, 2010 at 4:43PM
Chris Liu-Beers in Policy Brief, labor conditions, safety, sanitation

A Policy Brief by the Center for Worker Health, Wake Forest University School of Medicine

This policy brief describes migrant farmworker experiences with components of the US-EPA Worker Protection Standard and the OSHA safety and sanitation regulations. Based on these results, we present recommendations to improve safety and sanitation conditions for farmworkers. Information for this policy brief is based on data collected by Wake Forest University School of Medicine investigators from 255 migrant farmworkers who were interviewed at monthly intervals from May through August 2007.

Click here to download this report.


Pesticide Safety Training

Sanitation and Safety in the Fields

Meeting Residential Sanitation Requirements 

Policy Implications

Current safety and sanitation regulations meant to reduce occupational hazards among migrant farmworkers are not being attained. Greater enforcement of these regulations is required. Current regulations, such as having a working shower for ten or fewer migrant workers or a laundry tub or washing machine for 30 or fewer migrant workers, may not be sufficient to provide a safe environment for these workers.


Several steps can be taken to improve safety and sanitation conditions for farmworkers.

Article originally appeared on Farmworker Advocacy Network (
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