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« New study: Rampant housing violations at migrant worker camps | Main | Cherie Berry: Quit Breaking Our Hearts! »

Thank you for showing love for farmworkers this past Valentines Day

If you sent a heartfelt valentine to NC Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry this past Valentines Day asking her to get serious about protecting farmworkers and their families, then by now you've probably received a disappointing form letter in response...that you've likely seen before. In February, farmworker supporters across the state rallied to show their passion for workers' rights (and demonstrate artistic talent!) by mailing in nearly 100 special valentines to the commissioner, calling on her to 'stop breaking hearts" and enforce the laws in place to protect some our state's most vulnerable residents from hazardous, and sometimes fatal, living and working conditions.
Unfortunately, the department's response to our action was to send an identical copy of the form letter they mailed to those who participated in FAN's Christmas card action in December last year. We feel that farmworkers deserve more. Stay tuned for more opportunities to stay involved.

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