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Harvest of Dignity: Film, Live Music, Trivia for Farmworkers

Join the Farmworker Advocacy Network for a night of live music, theme trivia, and the public tv debut of an award-winning documentary about North Carolina farmworkers. 

Thursday, Aug. 16, 7pm-11pm
Fullsteam Brewery
726 Rigsbee Ave., Durham NC

Click here for more info.

In 1960, legendary journalist Edward R. Murrow brought the plight of the migrant farmworker into the consciousness of many Americans through his shocking “Harvest of Shame” documentary that aired on CBS primetime. Fifty years later, Minnow Media (http://www.minnowmedia.net/) produced “Harvest of Dignity,” a half-hour program that reveals many of the same social, health and labor injustices faced by those working in the U.S. agricultural system today.

Filmed in North Carolina, the new award-winning documentary combines interviews with area farmworkers, advocates, faith leaders and educators, documentary photos, and interviews collected by Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF). It was commissioned by SAF and funded by the North Carolina Arts Council, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and Oxfam America. “Harvest of Dignity” makes its debut on public television (UNC-TV) on August 16th. 

Two local bands--Bluegrass band Down River (www.reverbnation.com/downriverbluegrass) and Americana/Folk-Rock outfit Mary Johnson Rockers and the Spark(www.reverbnation.com/maryjohnsonrockers) will kick off the event at 7pm. Trivia will start at 9 followed by the documentary broadcast at 10. Come on over if you’re a trivia regular and are up for a challenge on a new topic, are a fan of homegrown music and locally-brewed beer, or simply if you want to know more about agricultural and poultry workers in North Carolina and ways to get involved in a campaign fighting for safe places for them to work and live, and stronger enforcement of existing laws designed to protect the people that bring the vast majority of our food to our tables.

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