Have a Concern about a Farmworker Camp? Let FAN know by filling out a brief survey.

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concerns about housing, wage violations, health and safety, or other

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problems related to your experience filing a complaint or reporting a concern

Report Access Issues

Violations of farmworkers’ right to receive visitors

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It's National Farmworker Awareness Week!

National Farmworker Awareness Week (NFAW) is a week of action for students and community members to raise awareness about farmworker issues on our campuses and in our communities. In 2013 we celebrate the 14th Annual National Farmworker Awareness Week to raise awareness about farmworker conditions and to honor their important contributions to us every day!

Each day of Farmworker Awareness Week has a theme based on a mural created by Student Action with Farmworkers’ Levante Leadership youth group in collaboration with the Beehive Design Collective. This mural depicts the story of farmworkers, the story of human labor working the land, and the story of struggles for justice across generations. Since the mural represents many different struggles farmworkers face, it is the basis for 8 different themes, one for each day of the week of awareness. The themes can be found here and "like" Farmworker Awareness Week on Facebook to get facts, videos and photos each day! There are LOTS of events going on around the country so check out this calendar to find out events in your area. We will also be updating our Facebook page with local events so follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Finally, we are sponsoring an Instagram Challenge to encourage people to use the modern day technology of Instagram as form of artistic expression to help depict the ways that farmworkers influence our lives and the different faces of injustice that are still happening today. Each day of the week upload a photo related to that day's theme to enter with the hashtag #nfaw2013.  The best pictures will be voted on by our Facebook followers! People who enter each day will recieve a small prize and the best photo will win a grand prize NFAW prize pack.  It's not too late to enter! Follow us @harvestdignity on Instagram and don't forget to "like" your favorite photos on Facebook!

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