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Act Now to End Exploitative Child Labor

End Child Labor in NC - Long Version from Chris Liu-Beers on Vimeo

Children have always worked on their family's farm, and they should always be allowed to. But agriculture is very dangerous for children. Right now, children can work just like hired adults on farms starting at age 10 - younger than in any other industry. Our children are in harm's way. It's time to stop exploitative child labor.

While many kids look forward to summer pool parties and camp adventures, a hidden group of children will be sweating in our fields - picking the blueberries and tomatoes that end up on our plates.

NC Senators McKissock and Kinnaird have introduced powerful new legislation to stop this practice, but they are fighting an uphill battle and need your help. 

Take Action

Here are three simple things that you can do today to help end exploitative child labor:

  1. Watch the 60-second PSA, then forward it to your friends
  2. Call NC Senator Tom Apodaca, Chairman of the Rules Committee, to ask for a hearing of Senate Bill 707. Learn more about the bill here. Here's his contact info: 
    (919) 733-5745 | Tom.Apodaca@ncleg.net
  3. Call NC Commissioner of Labor Cherie Berry to ask her to support Senate Bill 707. Here's her contact info:
    (919) 733-7166 | Commissioners.Office@labor.nc.gov

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