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Moral Week of Action Kicks Off with a Focus on NC Workers

The NAACP kicked of the Moral Week of Action on Friday August 22, 2014 with a march and rally in support of North Carolina Workers. Please watch the video of the first day’s speakers! Selena Ibarra interned with Student Action with Farmworkers this summer where she got to lobby on behalf of the Farmworker Advocacy Network and the Adelante Education Coalition spoke about her lobbying at the North Carolina Legislature this summer. Selena and her co-intern Araceli Bollo fought against a provision in House Bill 369 which would bar that would have denied workers’ compensation to “illegal aliens”. She talks about how detrimental this would be and how they lobbied against it and got it removed from the bill! You can see her speech from minute 16-17:30. The end of the event was calling for all North Carolina community members to register to vote and encourage others to vote! For more information, check out the NAACP’s website!
The week continues today focusing on Women's Rights, Wednesday is Medicaid Expansion, Health Care and Environmental Justice. On the final day, Thursday, August 28, the 51st Anniversary of the March on Washington, there will be a mass rally on Bicentennial Mall for voting rights and voter mobilization – the Vote Your Dreams, Not Your Fears Rally – at 5:30 pm.For more information see the Facebook event.

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